Natural Asset Management Roadmap Program – Applications Now Open
Start planning with nature in your community today!
The Natural Assets Initiative is now accepting expressions of interest from Canadian local governments for the Natural Asset Management Roadmap program, proudly sponsored by Intact Public Entities (IPE).
First developed and offered by NAI through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Municipal Asset Management Program, the Roadmap Program is designed for local governments that are just beginning to incorporate natural asset management (NAM) in their asset management and financial planning. With NAI’s guidance and expertise, this program is an opportunity for local governments to recognize, account for, and ultimately manage natural assets — such as wetlands, forests, and rivers — as a part of their community’s critical infrastructure.

Lake Ontario Beach – Photo Credit: Orchidpoet via Getty Images
What is a Roadmap?
A roadmap is a good first step for a local government to get a handle on how to manage and value their natural assets. The roadmap is a high-level plan that pulls together individuals from various municipal departments to discuss and centralize their expertise.
Roadmaps have proven to be a relatively low effort, high impact activity requiring no more than a few days’ work for the project lead and a few hours from the other staff participants, yet it provides a strong foundation for participants to get started in NAM with confidence.
In Ontario, municipalities are required to have an approved asset management plan for all municipal infrastructure assets — including green infrastructure assets — that identifies current levels of service and the cost of maintaining those levels of service under O. Reg. 588/17, Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure by July 1, 2024. The Natural Asset Management Roadmap Program is a great tool to help municipalities ensure they are meeting the proper criteria.
Most local governments complete their roadmap within four months, through which time they are able to:
- Build awareness about NAM among a cross-functional staff group
- Understand how their local government is considering natural assets in planning and delivering services
- Complete a high-level roadmap that includes the actions they will take over the short to medium term to integrate NAM into their asset management practices
- Learn from their peers and build a network helping to advance NAM
IPE is currently sponsoring their municipal clients in Ontario and Atlantic Canada. All other Canadian local governments may submit their interest to participate at the subsidized rate of $850.
- Minimum of three staff participating per local government
- Local elected officials are welcome to participate
- Very small (>1,000) local governments can include two staff and one elected official
- Participating staff should be cross-functional, ideally including a finance official or senior administrator, public works or engineering staff, and environmental sustainability of planning staff
Please note: Small local governments (with populations under 1,000 people) that collaborate on asset management with neighbouring local governments may apply together to develop a single roadmap.
How to Apply
NAI is currently accepting EOIs with the option to begin the Roadmap Program in late 2023 or early 2024.
We encourage all interested Canadian local governments to apply; however, please note that space is limited and preference will be given to those insured by IPE.
Interested local governments are asked to complete the Expression of Interest form. NAI will contact applicants to confirm availability and participation.
If you have any issues accessing the form, please contact NAI for support and inquiries.